Pairings | Artisanal cider
Which wines - or beers - pair best with cooked cheese?
Posted on March 29 2008 at 08:54
Cheese and wine is a notorious minefield but is it any easier when the cheese is cooked? See my suggestions to match Mark Hix's delicious recipes in the Independent today:

Cheese fondue and Chasselas
Posted on January 29 2007 at 10:11
I was beginning to think we’d managed to skip winter this year before last week’s icy blasts and snow came as a timely reminder we’ve got a good few weeks to go yet. So there’s still time to enjoy one of winter’s great favourites - a Swiss cheese fondue.

A vegetarian harvest supper
Posted on September 25 2019 at 07:16
Before we finally plunge into winter here's a late autumn supper menu from my book Food, Wine and Friends that combines the best of autumn’s produce with a couple of convenience products.
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