Pairings | Sheeps cheese

The best pairings for amontillado and palo cortado sherry
Posted on November 7 2023 at 06:59
Amontillado sherry has richer, nuttier flavours than a classic fino or manzanilla sherry and calls for different food matches. Think more in terms of cured meat, game and cheese than seafood and richer, meatier tapas.

Beenleigh Blue and Monbazillac
Posted on January 25 2017 at 11:22
It’s not only Roquefort and Sauternes that pair well together, other sheeps cheeses and sweet wines match well too as I discovered at the Evening of Cheese event I hosted at The Butlers Arms in Sutton Coldfield on Sunday

The best wine matches for Manchego, Berkswell and other hard sheep cheeses
Posted on August 4 2020 at 07:28
Hard sheep cheeses are the winelover’s friend.
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