Pairings | Fonduta

Fonduta with truffles and Nebbiolo
Posted on October 24 2007 at 07:04
The last few days I’ve been eating and drinking my way around Piedmont - the perfect time of year as the region’s fabled white truffles are in season.

Fonduta with white truffles and Barbera d’Alba
Posted on December 2 2013 at 07:38
There’s only one pairing I could focus on this week given that I was in Piemonte and that is white truffles. What was the best match? Incredibly hard to say!

Crespelle with wild asparagus and fonduta and extra dry prosecco
Posted on May 19 2014 at 20:10
I’ve spent the last 3 days in the Veneto at a prosecco festival called Vino in Villa (yup, alright for some, but if it’s any consolation the weather hasn’t been as good as it has in the UK)
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