Match of the week
Roast chicken and Rioja (but not all riojas!)
Another great chicken pairing following last week’s ‘cos you can never have too many of them.
You might question whether Rioja was the ideal match for roast chicken but there’s rioja and rioja.
This one was admittedly a top notch one, the ‘San Vicente de la Sonsierra,’ from José Gil, from a recent vintage (2022) and made in a much lighter, brighter style than is typical of rioja. (The alcohol was only 13.5%). More like a Burgundy than an old school rioja or Bordeaux. Interestingly Gil trained in Burgundy.
It’s actually one of the most delicious reds I’ve tasted all year - as indeed it should be at a slightly painful £41 from North Norfolk Cellars and £45 from Chesters in Abergavenny. Still, why should one automatically expect Rioja to be cheap?
The chicken was roasted simply with roasties, runner beans, courgettes and bread sauce so it needed a lighter style of red. (Gil also eschews new oak.) And the Rioja very lightly chilled.
Also a reminder that when you have a good red to hand to keep the food simple!
For other roast chicken recipes see here
And for other rioja pairings here
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