Pairings | Pot roast pheasant

What food to pair with Malbec
Posted on April 16 2021 at 07:49
Malbec has become so popular it may have become one of your favourite red wines but what are the best kind of dishes to pair with it?

Pot roast pheasant with St-Chinian
Posted on September 21 2009 at 08:08
Once the game season starts to get into full swing my husband ventures into the kitchen. Pheasant, of course, doesn’t come into season until the 1st of October but our local butcher was obviously clearing out last year’s stocks and we picked one up for a song.

Top wine and beer matches for game
Posted on November 26 2023 at 06:00
We Brits have always had a reputation for liking our wines old and our game high but times have changed. Today the key factor in matching game tends to be not how ‘gamey’ it is but how it’s cooked and what is served with it.
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