Match of the week
Sliders and juleps
Although you can drink wine with a burger I’m coming to the conclusion that beer and cocktails are a lot more fun and, particularly with the modern American-style ales, have the sweetness to deal with the multiple flavours of today’s adventurous toppings.
That, of course, applies to sliders as well - mini burgers which are becoming a popular part of the current burger craze in London - as I discovered on a visit last week to the newly opened Slider Bar at The Player in Soho* which is run by the highly rated Lucky Chip*
You can order any two so I skipped the more straightforward Double Cheese Burger in favour of the El Chappo (aged beef patty, smoked bacon, roasted jalapenos, blue cheese and aioli) and the Royale wit Cheese (aged beef, applewood smoked bacon, tomato, onion, ketchup and mustard). Both went really well with the fragrant, herby Rye and Rosemary Julep I ordered (Sazerac rye, rosemary, mint, sugar and sweet vermouth) - though not so much with the weird frothed up frozen tub of Orangina on the side - a bizarre piece of product placement. The sliders and chips are great though.
High end drinks like champagne and cocktails and fast food seem to be quite on trend at the moment as you can see from this recent post on Bubbledogs and my delicious cocktail pairing at Dabbous.
*whose website appears to be down at the moment but also operates out of the Sebright Arms.
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